
country taxonomy block

Five islands in the Indian Ocean – the Union of the Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, and Zanzibar (Tanzania) – are working to establish and manage disaster loss databases. The losses databases should be able to predict and estimate losses from cyclones, floods and storm surges. The models to be used are the same as those employed in the UN’s 2013 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction.

The Project is supported by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) and the Indian Ocean Commission’s (IOC) ISLANDS Project. The First meeting was held at the IOC’s headquarters in Mauritius. The 2005-15 Hyogo Framework for Action highlights the importance of accounting for past losses that can provide a basis for better risk assessments, more appropriate disaster planning and effective measures to reduce vulnerability and exposure. The 2005-15 Hyogo Framework for Action serves as a plattform for disaster-related information. It should provide the basis for…

Publishing date 06/12/2013

Mauritius Meteorological Services

Contact Person
Mr Yasdowsun Boodhoo
Email: meteo [at]

About Mauritius Meteorological Services

a) Continue issuing:

i. Daily weather information for the citizens of the Republic of Mauritius

ii. Daily weather forecast for fishermen in Mauritius, Rodrigues, St Brandon and Agalega

iii. A 5-day weather forecast to the agricultural community every Monday and Friday

iv. Fortnight reports on rainfall distribution over Mauritius and Rodrigues

v. Seasonal forecast and updates if necessary

b) Provide cyclone warnings at regular intervals of six hours for class I and class II, three hours for class III and more frequently, after receipt of latest information during class IV…

The two-day regional workshop will bring together students, young professionals and industry representatives to examine, consider and stimulate interdisciplinary perspectives on space and scientific matters in the African region. Selected participants (around 100) will have the opportunity to interact with experts from academia, businesses and space agencies through plenary and panel sessions, keynotes and interdisciplinary working group discussions.
Exchanges will focus on critical space sector opportunities and challenges, global policy initiatives and international cooperation. The Space Generation Workshops (SGWs) are held in every region, each focusing on challenges local to the region, involving both local & regional stakeholders.