Step-by-Step: Disaster Preparedness Using Free Software Extensions

This Recommended Practice uses data on flood zones and infrastructure, such as buildings or roads, which imported into QGIS using several Web Map Service (WMS). They can be accessed free of charge, as can all other data sources used.

The Recommended Practice is applied to two case studies. 


Case study 1 - Beira, Mozambique  

Case study 2 - Accra, Ghana





Disaster Scenario

Past flood event extent 100-year returning flood event modellation

Data Sources

Dartmouth Flood Observatory (DFO), Humanitarian Data Exchange Population Data, OpenStreetMap Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS), Humanitarian Data Exchange Population Data, OpenStreetMap, Global Administrative Areas

Research Question

If another event similar to the floods in 2019 happened again, how many people/structrures would be affected? How many perople/roads/ per administrative areas would be affected by a 100-year returning flood event?


Software setup required before continuing with the case studies

First of all, open a new QGIS Project and open the "PlugIn Library". Open the Function “Manage and Install Plugins” and search for “InaSAFE”. Install the Plugin to be ready for the following workflow.

Repeat this process and add the "QuickOSM" plug-in to QGIS.