Germany Regional Support Office

The Center for Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces (ZFL) is an interdisciplinary center of the University of Bonn dedicated to research and teaching in the fields of remote sensing, geoinformation sciences and spatial modelling. In a complementary fashion to their academic activities, ZFL staff offer advice concerning general remote sensing questions and assist in solving complex problems. Due to the centralization of the remote sensing facilities of several institutions, a high degree of scientific exchange is guaranteed.

ZFL focuses on three key topics: risks, water and geomatics. Advanced courses, workshops and lectures referring to specific topics of remote sensing are organized regularly. Additionally, ZFL staff conduct their own research projects in various subjects and locations financed by external funding organizations.

To view the ZFL flyer, click here.

ZFL conducts advanced courses, workshops and lectures referring to specific topics of remote sensing regularly upon the request.

Please, refer to our website


Please refer to our website

The Center for Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces (ZFL) is an interdisciplinary center of the University of Bonn dedicated to research and teaching in the fields of remote sensing, geoinformation sciences and spatial modelling. It was founded with the objective to strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration within the University of Bonn and to foster research and teaching activities in its field.