South Sudan

country taxonomy block

The Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD) and the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) of South Sudan officially launched the South Sudan Geoportal in Juba on 28 February 2017. The geoportal serves as a platform that facilitates creation, sharing and use of geospatial data. The objective is to enhance the capacity of South Sudan government agencies and non-governmental institutions in geospatial data creation, sharing and management. Staff members from the NBS were trained on the use of the portal, web-based spatial data management, interactive mapping and metadata editing. 
Publishing date 09/03/2017

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s (Jaxa) supplied remote sensing data to the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) to elaborate an up-to-date map of the Sudd, one of the largest tropical wetlands in the world located in South Sudan. The project was carried out in the framework of JAXA's Kyoto and Carbon (K&C) Initiative."The wetland as a whole and its dynamics have not been mapped repetitively or systematically," explains Lisa-Maria Rebelo, a researcher in remote sensing at IWMI and a member of the international science team set up to support the Initiative.

The long-wave band radar data acquired by the PALSAR instrument between 2006-2011 has the benefit of allowing scientists to see what’s happening beneath the vegetation canopy. "We get a very distinct signal between open water, flooded vegetation and terrestrial land," says Rebelo. "This gives us a much clearer picture, compared to optical data, for looking at the…

Publishing date 06/02/2013