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Senegal has taken a significant step in its journey towards technological sovereignty with the successful launch of its first satellite, Gaindesat-1A. The earth observation nanosatellite was launched on 16 August 2024, from California's Vandenberg Space Force Base.

Developed by Senegalese engineers in collaboration with the University Space Centre of Montpellier (CSUM), Gaindesat-1A will play a crucial role in monitoring environmental conditions across the country. It will provide valuable data to improve water resource management, enhance weather forecasting, and boost aviation safety.

The launch is a major milestone for Senegal, marking the culmination of five years of dedicated effort by local engineers and technicians. The satellite's successful deployment represents the first phase of the SENSAT program, which aims to harness space technology for Senegal's socio-economic growth and scientific advancement.

This achievement positions Senegal as a key…

Publishing date 21/08/2024

The SAFIR (Satellite navigation services for African Region) project has opened the EGNOS-Africa Joint Programme Office (JPO). EGNOS is the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service.

The EGNOS-Africa Joint Programme Office (JPO) is created as a Pan-African “implementing instrument” to coordinate GNSS/EGNOS introduction in Sub-Saharan Africa for all types of applications with a particular attention given to aviation as main driver. JPO has been created within the EU-Africa Common Strategy through ACP/EC framework Programme ‘’Support to the Air Transport and Satellite services applications in Africa’’ as an outcome of the SAFIR Project.

The website reported: "The ceremony took place in Dakar on March 3 in the presence of Matthias Petschke, director of the EU…

Publishing date 20/03/2015

Due to flooding in Dakar caused by heavy rains, on 25 August 2013, the International Charter: Space and Major Disasters was activated to support Senegal with its flood response efforts. After a long period of drought ended in 2005, Senegal has been suffering from annual floods between the months of July and September, with the peak taking place in August.

Nevertheless, Senegal's rainy season this year has led to flooding, which has taken a toll on urban residence's affecting most notably Grand Yoff, Dakar, where many roads have become impassable causing several accidents, traffic jams and disruptions. As a result, a number of deaths and many injuries have been reported since the flooding began.

Publishing date 30/08/2013

The International Charter: Space and Major Disasters has been activated three times in the past two days to provide satellite imagery and maps regarding floods in Niger, Senegal and Nigeria. West African nations experience torrential rains during their annual rain season, but this season has been reported as the worst in 50 years.

In Niger, the Direction Générale de la Sécurité Civile et de la Gestion des Crises (COGIC) activated the Charter on 28 August after heavy flooding over the last few weeks caused by a severe rain season and the River Niger bursting its banks. It left 65 dead and over 100,000 homeless. The capital city of Niamey was struck by the flood waters from the River Niger, and Agadez City in the centre of Niger has also been affected. The Dosso region has suffered the worst effects of the floods, however, with an estimated ten thousand homes destroyed. Relief and international aid is being provided to help with the recovery.

Publishing date 29/08/2012

The International Charter Space and Major Disasters was activated on Sunday 26 of August 2012 in the region of Diourbel, Senegal. The charter was activated by UNITAR/UNOSAT on behalf of UNOCHA-ROWCA.

On August 26, 6 people died after torrential rains flooded the Senegalese capital of Dakar. The situation is considered to be catastrophic and the Ministry of the Interior claim that the city’s drainage system failed to cope under the pressure of the gushing water. Senegal’s seaside area is prone for flooding, specially low-lying suburbs which are built on wetlands.

Publishing date 28/08/2012

Programme National de Gestion des Risques de Catastrophes (PAPNGRC)

Contact Person
Mr Amadou Lamine Ndiaye
Tel: 00221.77.554.7897
Email: ndiaayeal [at]


Programme National de Gestion des Risques de Catastrophes (PAPNGRC)

Personne à contacter
Mr Amadou Lamine Ndiaye
Tel: 00221.77.554.7897
Email: ndiaayeal [at]