Bhutan: Project for stronger disaster response and recovery preparedness

<p>In an effort to enhance disaster preparedness and recovery in Bhutan, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Bhutan Country Office, in close collaboration with the Department of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs and UN-SPIDER developed the project &ldquo;Disaster Response and Recovery Preparedness (2014 &ndash; 2016).&rdquo;</p><p>This joint effort will receive USD 200,000 (Nu. 12,104,000) from the United Nations Development Programme/Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery. The programme implementation will be led by the Department of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs in collaboration with other sectors such as Department of Forest and Park Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Forest, National Land Commission Secretariat and other stakeholder agencies in the government.</p><p>UN-SPIDER is a formal partner for the project. During the recent <a href="">Technical Advisory Mission to Bhutan in June 2014</a>, UN-SPIDER&#39;s expert contributed to the elaboration of project report draft, which was finalized on the last day of the Mission.</p>