The International Recovery Platform (IRP) is a global partnership of governments, organizations, and institutions engaged in disaster recovery, working to strengthen knowledge, and share experiences and lessons on building back better after disasters strike countries. The IRP was established in 2005 following the Second UN World Conference on Disaster Reduction held in Kobe, Hyogo, Japan and supports progress against Priority 4 of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, enhancing “Build Back Better” in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction. The IRP Steering Committee consists of 18 members from UN organizations, and national and international organizations.
The IRP functions as a knowledge network for sharing experiences and lessons associated with post-disaster recovery and “Build Back Better” and serves as a catalyst for the development of tools, resources, and capacity for a resilient recovery. The IRP also brings together a broad range of senior policymakers and practitioners to exchange experiences and facilitate discussions on resilient recovery and building back better. Its interactive webpage offers guidance, a comprehensive library of resources, and a collection of news and information about events and trainings.
The IRP has also created a mechanism known as the "Recovery Help Desk" which enables national and subnational governments to request support with preparing, planning, and implementing pre- and post-disaster recovery. In the following this mechanism is explained in more detail.

Types of Users
National and subnational government agencies.
Conditions for Activation
Large disaster demanding international assistance for recovery efforts.
User Request and Process
A detailed request for the Recovery Help Desk can be submitted by completing the webform on the IRP platform. The requests are then routed by the Secretariate to a Steering Committee Member agency with appropriate expertise for a review. The response of the agency will again be coordinated through the IRP Secretariat. There is no cost to submit a request to the Recovery Help Desk, however no financial support can be offered.
Products / Services / Outcomes
The IRP can provide different types of support regarding preparing, planning, and implementing post-disaster recovery efforts. These include and are not limited to guidance, capacity building, and training. The type of support offered may vary, depending on the nature of the request and expertise of the responding agency.