ESA Charter Mapper Webinar

In the context of the International Charter Space and Major Disasters, the European Space Agency is offering a new online processing environment connected to COS-2 to support PM/VAs operations during an activation. The ESA Charter Mapper offers the capability to access, visualise, and process on-line the EO data collection of a charter activation. This short training (4 hours in total) provides an overview of the ESA Charter Mapper processing environment. A first section is focused on EO data visualisation while in the second are explained the EO data processing capabilities of the system.

ESA Charter Mapper Webinar

Mauro Arcorace
Trainer, EO expert and hydrologist at Terradue

Charter Project Manager (PM) and the Value Adders (VA) in the context of activations of the International Charter Space and Major Disasters.

This training specifically focused on Nigeria.

To support the Charter Project Manager (PM) and the Value Adders (VA) in the context of activations of the International Charter Space and Major Disasters, the COS-2 system has been augmented with an online processing environment, named ESA Charter Mapper. The ESA Charter Mapper is intended to ease access and process of the EO data collection of a charter activation. It is built and integrated in COS-2 to support PM/VAs operations by offering the capability to access, visualise, and process satellite imagery on-line. The primary benefit is that imagery is ingested and calibrated systematically irrespective of the original format. This allows PM/VAs to directly focus on visual analysis at full-resolution, and employ multiple processing services to transform EO data into geo-information. This short training provides an overview to the ESA Charter Mapper processing environment and is meant for new users who want to get familiar with the system and understand the potentials of this tool for EO data exploitation in a charter activation.

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ESA Charter Mapper Webinar - Description and Agenda (69.89 KB) 69.89 KB