Detection and Animation of Damage Using Very High-Resolution Satellite Data Following the 2003 Bam, Iran, Earthquake

By Argilli Lydia | Wed, 2 Feb 2011 - 12:56
Iran (Islamic Republic of)


The focus of this study was to thoroughly exploit the capability of very high-resolution (VHR) satellite imagery such as Ikonos and QuickBird for disaster mitigation. An efficient automated methodology that detects damage was implemented to derive the rich information available from VHR satellite imagery. Consequently, the detected results and the VHR satellite imagery are attractively presented through a fly-over animation and visualization. The aim is to assist the field-based damage estimation and to strengthen public awareness. The available Ikonos and QuickBird data captured after the Bam, Iran, earthquake in December 2003 was employed to demonstrate the competence of the automated detection algorithm and fly-over animation/visualization. These results are consistent with the field-based damage results.

Thuy Vu, T. & Matsuoka, M. & Yamazaki, F. (2005): Detection and Animation of Damage Using Very High-Resolution Satellite Data Following the 2003 Bam, Iran, Earthquake. Earthquake Spectra, Volume 21, 319-327.

Tuong Thuy Vu
Masashi Matsuoka