The 5th Spatial Sociocultural Knowledge Workshop - Enhancing situational awareness and understanding for stabilisation and disaster relief operations

Cranfield University

Tue, 19 Jun 2012


To provide a forum to bring together experts from the stabilisation, disaster relief and geospatial communities to develop the case for a shared understanding of how geography can be used to support stabilisation and disaster relief operations.


To investigate the need for a shared geospatial framework in anticipation of stabilisation and disaster relief operations

  • What is required
  • What exists
  • How to organise it
  • Who authorises it

To investigate the challenges in achieving a shared geography during the planning, conduct and evaluation of stabilisation and disaster relief operations

  • How to provide and share it
  • How to get it to those who need it most quickly
  • How to ensure it is relevant, current, can be updated, and still authoritative
  • How to make it available to non-expert users
Defence Academy of the United Kingdom