Satellite Image Analysis for Disaster and Crisis Management Support

By gina.kelly | Tue, 23 Jun 2015 - 09:59
This paper describes how multisource satellite data and efficient image analysis may successfully be used to conduct rapid-mapping tasks in the domain of disaster and crisismanagement support. The German Aerospace Center (DLR) has set up a dedicated crosscutting service, which is the so-called “Center for satellite-based Crisis Information” (ZKI), to facilitate the use of its Earth-observation capacities in the service of national and international response to major disaster situations, humanitarian relief efforts, and civil security issues. This paper describes successful rapid satellite mapping campaigns supporting disaster relief and demonstrates how this technology can be used for civilian crisis-management purposes. During the last years, various international coordination bodies were established, improving the disaster-response-related cooperation within the Earth-observation community worldwide. DLR/ZKI operates in this context, closely networking with public authorities (civil security), nongovernmental organizations (humanitarian relief organizations), satellite operators, and other space agencies. This
paper reflects on several of these international activities, such as the International Charter Space and Major Disasters, describes mapping procedures, and reports on rapid-mapping experiences gained during various disaster-response applications. The example cases presented cover rapid impact assessment after the Indian Ocean Tsunami, forest fires mapping for Portugal, earthquakedamage assessment for Pakistan, and landslide extent mapping for the Philippines.
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Satellite Image Analysis for Disaster.pdf (1.25 MB) 1.25 MB

Voigt, S., Kemper, T., Riedlinger, T., Kiefl, R., Scholte, K., & Mehl, H. (2007). Satellite image analysis for disaster and crisis-management support.Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on45(6), 1520-1528.

Stefan Voigt