Humanitarian Open Street Map Team launches Tasking Manager V2

In mid-July 2014, the Humanitarian Open Street Map team (HOT) launched a new Version 2 update to their Tasking Manager. This tool makes it even easier for people to contribute to the maps, giving them access to project descriptions on recent humanitarian mapping work, and to join in with the mapping by taking a task.

Enhancements include layout changes (bigger map, buttons positions reorganization, etc...), easier contribution workflow, anonymous access for users, translations for both the interface elements and the projects description with Transifex service.

Team members and organizations collaborating with HOT explain the new programme as the outcome of a strong desire to improve the OSMTM, which led to the complete rewrite of the code, a V2, helping developers to contribute.

OpenStreetMap is a project to create a free and open map of the entire world, built entirely by volunteer surveying with GPS, digitizing aerial imagery, and collecting and liberating existing public sources of geographic data. The aim is to fill in the gaps in base map data to assist in responses to disasters and crisis.