Integrated DRR, adaptation and rural development: Online diploma

Center for Sustainable Development, Online Learning (CSDi)

Mon, 2 Feb - Mon, 30 Mar 2015

Integrated DRR, CBA and Rural Development. The Center for Sustainable Development—CSDI—is announcing the launch of a diploma module "Integrated DRR, adaptation and rural development: Online diploma" of eight online Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Community Based Adaptation (CBA) & Rural Development field courses. Join students from all over the world for an intensive series. Course participants identify local community vulnerabilities, risks and hazards, then investigate appropriate solutions, develop full projects, launch and manage them. A strong course component is the integration of DRR and CBA.


DRR-focused projects developed by course participants have included: participatory vulnerability and capacity assessments; community based risk identification and reduction programs; hazard mapping; disaster risk management; emergency preparedness; resilience to extreme weather conditions; community flood resilience program; flood preparation, response and recovery; forming community based flood management (response) committees; community awareness raising of disaster risk and response; use of bioengineering for slope stabilization and runoff reduction for landslide and flash flood reduction.
