SPOT Imagery (CNES)

Data provided by:Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
Data accessibility:Exportar datos
Link to the data:
Requirements:ESA gives the opportunity to get a limited amount of restrained products for free upon the submission of a project proposal.
File type:tiff, xml
Data type:Datos satelitales o imágenes aéreas
Hazard:Forest Fire, Drought, Mass Movement, Earthquake, Tsunami, Volcanic Eruption, Flood, Severe Storm
Disaster cycle phase:Gestión des Riesgo por Desastres, Respuesta, Recuperación
Satellites and Sensors:SPOT 1, SPOT 4 (HRVIR), SPOT 4, SPOT 5 (HRG), SPOT 5, SPOT 6
Spatial coverage:Global
Spatial resolution:1.00
Temporal coverage:Archivado
Content dates:February 1986 - present
Technical Specifications:
Costs:De forma gratuita con restricciones
Contact:Contact CNES
Restrictions/ Citation of the dataset:

Terms of Use (VITO).

General Terms & Conditions (Airbus Defence & Space).

ESA Data Policy. 

Terms and conditions for the utilization of ESA Third Party Missions Data.