Global Landslide Hazard Distribution (GLHD - CHRR, CIESIN, NGI)

Screenshot of Global Landslide Hazard Distribution
Data provided by:Center for Hazards and Risk Research (CHRR) at Columbia University, Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) - Columbia University, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI)
Data accessibility:Exportar datos, Exportar mapa, Visualización de datos (ej. web SIG o monitoreo en tiempo real)
Link to the data:
File type:asc, asc, webmap
Data type:Datos sobre amenazas específicas
Hazard:Mass Movement, Landslide
Disaster cycle phase:Gestión des Riesgo por Desastres
Spatial coverage:Global
Spatial resolution:250
Temporal coverage:Archivado
Technical Specifications:
Tutorials on the use of data:Use the data to create a Databasin webmap, Import data to a GIS platform