Global Volcanism Program database (GVP - Smithsonian Institution)

Data provided by:Smithsonian Institution - National Museum of Natural History
Data accessibility:Exportar datos
Link to the data:
File type:xml
Data type:Datos sobre amenazas específicas
Hazard:Volcanic Eruption
Disaster cycle phase:Respuesta, Recuperación
Space-based Information:The Global Volcanism Program database currently contains 1432 volcanoes with eruptions during the Holocene period (approximately the last 10,000 years). Primary names are sorted below in alphabetical order. Please use the volcano search page to find other names and create a list with synonyms and subfeatures.
Spatial coverage:Global
Temporal coverage:Archivado, Casi en tiempo real
Contact:Contact details of GVP
Restrictions/ Citation of the dataset:

General Database Citation:
Global Volcanism Program, 2013. Volcanoes of the World, v. 4.7.6. Venzke, E (ed.). Smithsonian Institution. Downloaded 27 Feb 2019.

Specific Volcano Profile Citation:
Global Volcanism Program, 2013. [Volcano name (volcano number)] in Volcanoes of the World, v. 4.7.6. Venzke, E (ed.). Smithsonian Institution. Downloaded 27 Feb 2019 ([volcano profile page link]).