
country taxonomy block

MyReadingMapped is a website providing interactive maps on historic events and other interesting facts using Google Earth, for example shipwrecks locations, environmental disasters or oceanic trenches and underwater phenomena. Now, they have launched a series of climate change maps including one called "The rise, fall, and...

Publishing date 30/09/2013

The International Journal of Image and Data Fusion (IJIDF) is calling for papers for their new special issue on Natural Disasters. Image and data fusion plays an important role in natural disaster prediction and assessment. The use of multisource data at various levels improves the availability and quality of information derived. Especially in the case of natural distasters it is important not to be limited to one data source alone in order to provide up-to-date, accurate and timely information at various scales.

Authors are invited to submit papers on any topic related to the Aims and Scope of IJIDF that are related to the topic of NATURAL DISASTERS. Papers on how to use image and data fusion techniques for detecting, observing, monitoring, mapping, of the many types of Natural Disasters such as: volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, Hurricanes/cyclones, landslides, tsunamis, storm surges, desertification, etc. Authors are invited to submit their original research...

Publishing date 13/06/2013

ESRI announces that its popular Web mapping APIs (Javascript, Flex and Silverlight) are available at no cost to users who are building non-commercial applications. Until now only available to licensed users, UN agencies, NGOs, and educational institutions now can take advantage of fast, high-quality mapping applications built on top of ArcGIS Server for no additional cost.

For further information, please visit:

Publishing date 03/09/2009

The Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) today signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) concerning Mutual cooperation for satellite disaster monitoring.

In this LOI, both parties acknowledged the necessity to promote satellite application, especially Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellites, as well as related applied research, and to pursue such activities in an international manner.

For further information, please check:

Publishing date 24/08/2009

Longmont, Colorado-based DigitalGlobe ( is a leading global provider of commercial high-resolution earth imagery products and services. Recently DigitalGlobe announced its Crisis Event Service, a new web service providing timely and accurate pre- and post-event satellite imagery to aid in emergency planning, response and recovery.

The new online service is designed to provide a comprehensive picture for global crisis including at least three high-resolution imagery versions of each affected area: the most current pre-event imagery, imagery during or just after the event, and a follow-up image within 30 days following the event. Crisis Service images will be available online within one to three days of any given event through DigitalGlobe’s online platform. DigitalGlobe will determine events included in the Service based on definitions set by the International Charter of Space and Major Disasters. (Source: DigitalGlobe)

For more...

Publishing date 10/08/2009

Planet Action provides satellite imagery, geographic information and technology support to local projects that investigate and assess climate change issues focusing on human issues, drought & desertification, water resources, forestry, biodiversity, oceans, ice, and awareness.

This year, Planet Action will support additional projects while following up on current projects and their results on the ground. Join them in fighting the climate crisis!
Project submission deadline: September 30, 2009

For more information visit:

Publishing date 31/07/2009

The Second Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction took place in Geneva on 15-19 June 2009. At the session, UN-SPIDER culminated its year-long effort towards the establishment of the “SPIDER Global Thematic Partnership”. This partnership will serve as a forum to facilitate networking among the global community of practitioners involved in space-based information and services to support disaster risk management. UN-SPIDER is launching this Global Thematic Partnership as an effort to facilitate the access to space-based information for disaster reduction, in line with efforts conducted by ISDR, in particular to support national and regional platforms in their activities regarding disaster risk reduction. If your institution is interested in joining this Partnership please contact Mr. Juan Carlos Villagran (E-mail: juan-carlos.villagran [at]
For more information >>


Publishing date 19/06/2009