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The 15th Anniversary of SGEM2015 Scientific GeoConference will bring together scientists and experts from research and educational institutions, companies, governmental agencies and consultings to exchange ideas and to define the research priorities in the fields of geosciences. To celebrate the 15th Anniversary edition of the conference all participants will receive a 15% discount from the registration fees. Also, on this occasion, the organizing team will prepare a lot of surprises at the venue for every participating lecturer, co-lecturer, publisher or virtual lecturer. Papers approved by the Review Committee, will be published into the SGEM Conference Proceedings (abstracts + full papers) (ISSN: 1314-2704) indexed by ISI Web of Knowledge, Web of Science, CrossRef, ProQuest, EBSCO, Google Scholar and also Elsevier Products.

Phone:+359 2 975 3982
FAX:+359 2 874 10 88
E-mail: sgem [at] sgem....

The 7th edition of the International Conference on Cartography and GIS is organized by the International Cartographic Association, the Bulgarian Cartographic Association and the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy. The aim of the conference is to collect and share experiences about the latest achievements in the field of cartography and GIS. The use of satellite imagery in early warning and disaster management is also a main focus of the conference, with a seminar on EU cooperation on early warning and disaster management. Training on the processing of Copernicus Sentinel data is also included in the conference. 




The aim of the conference is to collect knowledge and share experience about the latest achievements in the field of cartography and GIS. Multiple parallel events take place during the conference, including annual meetings of ICA commissions, exhibition of maps and other cartographic products, demonstrations of software and hardware products.



Topics include: 

  • User Needs and Context Mapping for Early Warning and Crisis Management
  • Visualization of Geodata for Early Warning and Crisis Management
  • Volunteered Geographic Information
  • Web Cartography and Digital Atlases