Estación Experimental de Aula Dei (EEAD)

The Estación Experimental de Aula Dei (EEAD) is a Research Institute of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and is devoted to Agricultural Sciences. The CSIC is a public research institution  of the Ministry of Science and Innovation. The EEAD is located in the Gallego river valley near the Aula Dei Carthusian Monastery on the Montañana Road 13 Kms from downtown Zaragoza.

The EEAD, together with other Centres, constitute the so-called Aula Dei Campus, whose goals are the study, teaching and dissemination of the Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. These Centres are: Zaragoza Mediterranean Agronomy Institute / Mediterranean Higher Education Centre (IAMZ/CIHEAM); Food and Agriculture Research Service (SIA), Agro-environmental Laboratory, and Seed and Tree Nursery Centre of the Aragon Government (DGA); and the Pyrenean Ecology Institute (IPE) of the CSIC. The CSIC Site Office in Aragon is also located on this Campus. The EEAD maintains a close relationship with all of these Centres.