Near Real-Time data related to Droughts (LANCE - NASA)

Data provided by:National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Data accessibility:Exportar datos, Exportar mapa, Visualización de datos (ej. web SIG o monitoreo en tiempo real)
Link to the data:
File type:hdf, hdf, hdf, hdf
Data type:Datos sobre amenazas específicas
Disaster cycle phase:Gestión des Riesgo por Desastres, Respuesta, Recuperación
Space-based Information:MODIS/Aqua, MODIS/Terra
Spatial coverage:Global
Spatial resolution:100.00
Temporal coverage:Archivado, Casi en tiempo real
Content dates:MODIS/Aqua Start Date: 2002-07-04; MODIS/Terra Start Date: 2000-02-24
Technical Specifications:
Tutorials on the use of data:Coprehensive examples about how to access and visualize NASA .hdf files
Restrictions/ Citation of the dataset:


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